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About Us

Committee Members

President: David Matthews
Vice President: 
Darryl Hearsch

Treasurer: Kim Koorey
Tutor Coordinator: Sally Morton
Secretary: Michael Noonan
Social Activities: Rosie Kirkwood
Tutor Representative: Mike Dooley

Business Development: Jan McCoy

Associate Members
Patron:  Candy Bingham, Councillor, Northern Beaches Council

Auditor:  David Walton, Councillor, Northern Beaches Council
Life Members:  
Kylie Ferguson & Judy Elias

Clubroom Address
Manly Senior Citizens Centre
275 Pittwater Road, Manly NSW 2095

Tuition Hours

Monday to Friday: 9:00am – 5:00pm
Public and school holidays –


Download the 2024 AGM Annual Report. 


Download the Club's Constitution.

If you would like a copy sent to you, contact the club Secretary.

Manly Computer Pals is truly thankful for the continued support from ASCCA, Northern Beaches Council and BeConnected.

Our Club - Manly Computer Pals
“Our mission is to to educate seniors in the use of digital technology as a way of enriching their lives and making them more self-reliant. We bridge the generation gap and assist seniors to find ways to benefit the community through their collective experience and knowledge.” (ASCCA mission)

Manly Computer Pals is a not-for-profit organisation and a registered charity with the ACNC, Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission. Manly Computer Pals is a member of ASCCA, Australian Seniors Computer Clubs Association. Our club was started from Northern Beaches Computer Pals in 1997 and became the third club to join  ASCCA when it was formed in 1998.

The Club is run entirely by volunteers. Manly Computer Pals’ main objective is to provide low cost tuition on personal digital devices, 1-on-1, to those over the age of 55. Membership is open to those over the age of 55 years and who may already have retired from full time work and would like to maintain or learn new digital skills.

Learn new skills on your devices
Our club encourages all our members to participate, at your own pace, with our activities and to use the variety of resources our club has to offer.  All members can select one or all of the following club activities and resources:

  • 1 on 1 learning in the clubroom

  • 1 on 1 learning remotely, online

  • Group Sessions – specialised topics for various interest groups

  • Events – Seniors Festival, Volunteers Expo, etc.

  • Chatterbox – MCP social general interest group (not related to technology)

  • FlashChat – MCP free newsletter emailed to subscribers

  • Facebook – MCP public and MCP private group

  • YouTube Channel – a selection of MCP club's video tutorials, events and sessions

  • ASCCA monthly newsletter

  • ASCCA online courses

  • Be Connected online tutorials

Manly Computer Pals


P: (02) 9976 0930

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